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Mostrando entradas de abril, 2018

Pleasure with caution

My relationship with technology is toxic, is a relationship of necessity and I don´t be with her for love. I really love to write in paper, send mails and read in real books. But is impossible, it´s so hard put away the technology nowadays. I take notes in my PC, my partner has 7 years old, is so old in normal life of a PC but I used because I want to leave the paper, I want to make a change in the world or in the piece that I had living. Is hardly for me but I did it and I want keep doing. Help to environment is my purpose, is my sand grain and I want that all follow my example.                                           For this, the technology is part of my life, but I do not like be dependent, be always check my messages and all this stuff, I believe in a self-control, enjoy the moments that matter and not lose it for be with your cellphone.

The way to my future

My story is a little different, when I was a child I wanted help people, never I said a specific career, but always with a purpose.   This purpose was clear for me and never I had doubt about that because always tea instill me that the humans always has to help other people, there no matter your position in the society, there no matter the specific place were you´re working, there no matter what you have to do, there just matter help, there just matter the well-being of the people. Well, pass time and I enter to middle school, was time to choose something in specific. I did not spend a lot of time in this decision. One day, on the website, I saw a news, there was talking about Public Administration and I searched what mean study that, I loved it, it was love at first sight, I had no doubts that is Public Administration my career, my job in the future. From then on, I had a hard work for enter to the best University of Chile, The University of Chile. Finally, I did it, here we are

About me

Hi, my name is Diego Faus, but people call me Faus. Well, I am from Santiago but I live in Algarrobo, I travel to Santiago everyday to study, I am 19 years old, I was born on August 7th of 1998.  Well, I studied in San Antonio all my life, But i traveled periodically to Valparaiso because i went to University of Valparaiso to a course of arguing. On the summer of 2015, 2016 and 2017 i went to Santiago to study at University of Chile, in EdV´s course. Those Courses were about Philosophy, Arguing and speeches.  Currently, I am studying Public Administration at University of Chile and Im secundary teacher in San Antonio, My Classes are about Arguing and oratory. Also Im debater of SODEUCH since 2015. SODEUCH has given me the chance to travel to Concepción, Perú, Puerto Montt. All this to different tournament. Arguing is what i want, my professional carrer will be founded on this activity, is my favorite hobbie and i think that is an very important education tool. "If