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A Difficult Relationships

I love animals, i love cats, Hamster, dogs. But, i hate pets. I Know, is so rare.  But have pets means so many things that not means love animals.
The care that a pets need is something that i cannot give to some pets because i am not the neccesary time at home and I do not want that another person take care with my pet.
Five years ago i had a pet, a hamster, his name was Chewbacca, you can imagine why, his hair and colour was similar to character to Star Wars. Was a cutest hamster of the world. I was looking when he born, he was in a pet store, but i fell in love. The store´s owner was my friends, or dad´s friends, whatever. He gave me this hamster, not sell him.
I played with him everyday, i was 12 years old in this time, he not let me go to sleep because he played all night, every night.
I always love rats or spiders, because nobody love this animals, everyone find the wany to kill them. Chewbacca died when he was 3 years old /almost 4), was very old and i cry, very much, but I understood that they do not living one hundred years like humans, I understood and I needed to overcome this situation.
For this, i delete every single photo that i had, i do not need his pictures, every memories its safe with me, in my memories.


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My Fav Food

Well, today I will write about my favourite food and my story about this topic. I love meatballs with potatoes; It is my favourite food since have 8 years old... My mom cooked this and I did not want eat because I hate soup. She never forces me to eat something that I did not want, but these day say to me that I can eat the meatballs without the soup. I think about this and I decide eat.  This decision change my life, I loved it, with salad of cabbage. This plate cooked by me or my mom it is perfection, no more words about this. I cannot eat this plate twice a week; this plat is just for Tuesday, If I eat at another day, I cannot eat it. I usually eat twice a month, I hate eat excessively this plate. Curiously, never eat meatballs in another place, my favourite plates is not just about food, is for the story, where I eat it, when and all of other things that include eat something. The taste depend that who cook this plate. I am very complicate with food and I am a l