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Blog experience

Tell our lifes always is hard, we did always with Instagram´s stories, with Facebook, Twitter, and other social medias, but it is harder tell our stories in Blogger because here you have to think, to write, to select what you want tell. Blogger is all except spontaneous.
Apart from the common skills: writing; that obviously that I practiced and i think that i improved. Also, I  think that the best skills were known himself, write about us, this is a skills underdog, that have a lot of difficult and not get anyone.
I do not know what include in the future, is hard because this activity is special, maybe more freedom in certain topics.
Write a blog I not new for me, I have another blog, a personal blog where I wrote stories, essays and poems, I will not tell you the URL, but is public haha. I love blogs because anyone can read it, but someone that search the topic in internet, not a friend necessarily.
I am not satisfied with my blogs, I have to say, with my contants absence, I always forget write the blog. My calendar do not help me very much, my post-it neither but I did it, late but i did it.


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My Fav Food

Well, today I will write about my favourite food and my story about this topic. I love meatballs with potatoes; It is my favourite food since have 8 years old... My mom cooked this and I did not want eat because I hate soup. She never forces me to eat something that I did not want, but these day say to me that I can eat the meatballs without the soup. I think about this and I decide eat.  This decision change my life, I loved it, with salad of cabbage. This plate cooked by me or my mom it is perfection, no more words about this. I cannot eat this plate twice a week; this plat is just for Tuesday, If I eat at another day, I cannot eat it. I usually eat twice a month, I hate eat excessively this plate. Curiously, never eat meatballs in another place, my favourite plates is not just about food, is for the story, where I eat it, when and all of other things that include eat something. The taste depend that who cook this plate. I am very complicate with food and I am a l